Understanding Your Company's Challenges Because We've Been There Too.
“Whether you are exploring an external sale, business acquisition, merger or need an impartial valuation of your business in support of taxation, divorce, partnership transactions, etc. we can help. We have experience in valuing middle market companies in a variety of industries.”

Organization improvement

Performance & Results Driven
At Chikol, we offer organization improvement services so that your company can be a leader in efficiency, operations, information technology and other vital areas of strategic business operations.

A Plan for Recovery

Corporate Turnaround

Maximize the Recovery of Assets

When Finance Gets Complicated

Exit Planning

Planning for the Future
"Success is Not Final and Failure is Not Fatal"
Why Would You Accept Advice from Someone who has not been Faced with a Similar Situation as You and We Have?
We are a “Hands-On” Operational Turnaround Team of Experienced Professionals having over 30 years in the industry owning and operating their own businesses. Our footprint of team support extends from Wisconsin to Florida. Primary work with Private & Public Equity, Secured Lenders, Business Ownership and Business Acquisition Firms.
Our work is not just supplying you a roadmap to success, but the hands to get it accomplished and the tools to stay on track — Success thru Repetition!
“We’ve Been There” is not simply a slogan to us. It means we are business owners and operators who have been in the shoes of those businesses and lenders struggling with high leverage, cashflow challenges, lender fatigue and heavy competition. It is Time to Step Back!
Our Difference? “We Know the Way Out”
Our Core Values
Driving Technology For Leading Brands




